
横山 知行

松井 弘樹

本研究室では、この脂肪酸の「量」と「質」に着目して、食事?血液および組織内の脂肪酸 バランスと、そのバランスを調節する酵素の発現量や活性が、循環器疾患や呼吸器疾患といった生活習慣病の発症や進展に及ぼす影響について、研究を進めております。
- 生体内における主要な 脂肪酸の代謝とその利用
- 脂肪酸を標的とした 生活習慣病の予防戦略
Building a strategy for prevention of lifestyle-related disease focusing on the quantity and quality of fatty acids.

Tomoyuki Yokoyama
Dean/Professor, Graduate School of Health Sciences, Gunma University

Hiroki Matsui
Associate Professor, Graduate School of Health Sciences, Gunma University

We daily receive lipids from our diet, and these lipids are broken down into fatty acids in our bodies. In addition, fatty acids can be synthesized from carbohydrates, and these fatty acids are used as a main energy source or a component of cellular membrane.
Our laboratory focuses on the “quantity” and “quality” of these fatty acids. We are conducting research how the balance of fatty acids in diet, blood or tissues, also the expression level and activity of enzymes that regulate these balance, have an impact on the onset and progression of lifestyle-related diseases.
- Metabolism and utilization of major fatty acids in the body
- Fatty acid-targeted strategy for prevention of lifestyle-related disease