
斎藤 周

ジェンダー平等に関する主要な国際労働基準 |
女性差別撤廃条約 |
ILO100号条約(男女同一賃金条約) |
ILO111号条約(雇用職業差別条約) |
ILO156号条約(家族責任条約) |
ILO190号条約(暴力?ハラスメント条約) |
International Labour Standards for Gender Equality and Decent Work

Madoka Saito
Dean/Proffesor, Cooperative Faculty of Education, Gunma University

Although article 14 of the Japanese Constitution provides equality under the law, discrimination against women in employment has not disappeared in Japan. To realize the equality of women and men in employment, we need to promote labour law policy from the gender-sensitive viewpoint. In order to acquire the gender-sensitive viewpoint, we analyze cases of different countries arising from the application of international labour standards such as Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination against Women and the relevant International Labour Conventions.
International Labour Standards on Gender Equality |
Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination against Women |
International Labour Conventions Nos.100, 111, 156 and 190 |