
渡邉 智秀

窪田 恵一

環境負荷の高い閉鎖性水域では、底質汚染が深刻となっています。これによって溶存酸素の枯渇や硫化水素の生成によって、底生生物が死滅するなど深刻な底質環境の悪化が生じています。また、汚染底質は更なる底質汚染を引き起こし自然浄化が困難は困難です。本研究では、底質中に存在する発電微生物を有効活用した直接設置型底質改善技術 ”堆積物微生物燃料電池” の開発に取り組むことで、健全な底質環境の形成?維持を目指しています。
Sediment Microbial Fuel Cells would form healthy sediment environment

Tomohide Watanabe
Professor, Graduate School of Science and Technology, Gunma University

Keiichi Kubota
Assistant professor, Graduate School of Science and Technology, Gunma University

In a closed water area with high environmental loading, sediment pollution is one of the serious environmental issues. This causes many serious sediment environments problems such as the death of benthos from the occurrence of hypoxia and hydrogen sulfide. As a result, sufficient sediment purification by only natural purification ability becomes difficult. We have been working on the development of a sediment remediation technology of Sediment Microbial Fuel Cells, which is effectively using electrogenic bacteria in the sediment, to form and maintain a healthy sediment environment.