
牧野 孝俊

1日当たりの食塩平均摂取量は、日本人が10g、フィリピン人は15gのようにWHO (5g)や各国の厚生省が定めるものよりも過剰な状況であり、国際的に緊急に対応すべき優先課題としてタバコに次ぐ2番目に「減塩」があげられている。
そこで、群馬大学は、世界の協定校と共通課題であるNCDs (Goal 3.4)に焦点を当てた専門的知見や技術について共有?補完すること(Goal 17.16)により、質の高い医療?保健医療人材の育成を行う。

Building a symbiotic relationship with foreigners through addressing the global problems of NCDs in collaboration with partner universities

Takatoshi Makino
Associate Professor,?Graduate School of Health Sciences, Gunma University

WHO reported that salt reduction is an urgently priority issue which is second only to smoking, because people in the world consume excess salt under defined standards of WHO and Ministry of Health. Gunma University addresses substantially improves quality and quantity of health workforce through sharing and complementing knowledge and skill (Goal 17.16) focused on NCDs (Goal 3.4).

Keywords?Partner University, Common Challenge, NCDs, Salt Reduction