
柳川 右千夫

- GABAニューロンを蛍光タンパク質で標識したGAD67-GFPマウスの大脳皮質、海馬(左)と小脳皮質(右)
Elucidation of GABAergic neuron properties using transgenic rodents

Yuchio Yanagawa※
Professor, Graduate School of Medicine, Gunma University
※during in office

GABAergic neurons are major inhibitory neurons, and these neurons play important roles in a number of brain functions. Impairments in the GABAergic neurons are involved in neuropsychiatric disorders such as epilepsy, anxiety and schizophrenia. Since the GABAergic neurons are scattered in the brain, it is hard to identify these cells in living brain preparations. To overcome such a problem we generated transgenic mice or rats specifically expressing fluorescent proteins in GABAergic neurons, and these rodents have been used for elucidating molecular and cellular properties of GABAergic neurons. A number of researchers in approximately twenty countries have used these rodents as international joint research. In addition, we are trying to elucidate the pathophysiology of psychiatric disorders using the transgenic rodents, in which the GABAergic gene is deleted.
- GAD67-GFP knock-in mouse cerebral cortex and hippocampus (left) and cerebellar cortex (right).