
渡邉 智秀

窪田 恵一

キーワード 排水処理、微生物燃料電池、発電微生物、創エネルギー
Development of high-efficiency water cycle system by electrogenic bacteria

Tomohide Watanabe
Professor, Graduate School of Science and Technology, Gunma University

Keiichi Kubota
Assistant professor, Graduate School of Science and Technology, Gunma University

Suitable treatment of wastewater, which is inevitably discharged from humans activity, is necessary to build a sustainable society. However, current technology has a few environmental problems. Meanwhile, wastewater includes a lot of organic matter and nutrients, so it has been attracting attention as one of the unharnessed energy sources. Here, we have been working on the development of electrical generatable wastewater treatment systems of Microbial Fuel Cells to construct a system suitable for a sustainable society.
Keywords Wastewater treatment, Biodegradation, Energy recovery from waste, Microbial Fuel Cells