
柿本 敏克

本研究では、新たな変数「状況の現実感」が環境配慮行動を促進することを明らかにした。検討された仮説は、 (a)状況の現実感と(b)経済的ゆとり感(c)地域への帰属意識がそれぞれ環境配慮行動を促進する、というものであった。45名の大学生が仮想世界ゲーム電子版に参加した。
柿本敏克?阿形亜子(2013). 環境配慮行動を促進する新変数の検討 応用心理学研究, 39, 122-131.
An unforeseen factor that promotes environmental-conscious behavior

Toshikatsu Kakimoto
Professor, Faculty of Informatics, Gunma University

The hypotheses of the present study are that (a) a sense of reality of the situation, (b) a subjective sense of economic well-being in daily life, and (c) identification with one’s local community, will respectively promote environmental-conscious behavior. Forty-five students participated in a computer-based version of the Simulated International Society (SIMINSOC) game where environmental issues were designed to emerge and be addressed. Towards the end of the game session, the participants responded to the embedded questionnaire. A multiple regression analysis indicated that (a) a sense of reality of the situation and (b) a subjective sense of economic well-being in daily life promoted participants’ environmental-conscious behavior while (c) identification with one’s local community did not. The results were considered from a viewpoint of altruistic behavior studies. Implications of the findings for building a sustainable society were discussed.
An Unforeseen Factor That Promotes Environmental-Conscious Behavior. Japanese journal of applied psychology 39(2), 122-131.