
若井 明彦

地球規模の気候変動は極端気象の深刻化や高頻度化をもたらします。とりわけアジアモンスーン地域はその影響を著しく受けるため、有効な低コスト土砂災害警戒システムを開発することは開発途上国の人々の生命を守るうえで喫緊の課題です。私たちは、e-ASIA JRPの枠組みを利用した国際共同研究を立ち上げ、土砂災害軽減に資する研究を推進しています。
Low-cost early warning system for landslide hazard mitigation in monsoon Asia countries

Akihiko Wakai
Professor, Graduate School of Science and Technology, Gunma University

Global climate change will cause an increase in the intensity and frequency of extreme weather events. Especially monsoon Asia region would be more affected by the consequences, and the development of an effective and low-cost landslide hazard early-warning system is an urgent issue for survival of residents in developing Asian countries. We aim to help reduce landslide disasters in cooperation with researchers from Japan, Thailand and Vietnam as an international collaborative research work in the framework of e-ASIA JRP.