
斎藤 隆泰

非破壊検査とは構造物を傷つけたり壊すことなく、健全度を評価するための方法であり、構造物の品質保証や信頼性を保証するために不可欠なものです。 そのため、 非破壊検査は社会インフラ構造物の持続可能に必須と考えられます。
しかしながら、 解決しなければならない課題はいくつも残されています。例えば
1) 将来の検査員不足
2) 大規模構造物の効率的な検査方法の開発
3) 高解像度な欠陥形状差構成手法の開発
? レーザー超音波可視化試験装置(図1)で得られた画像を深層学習させることで材料内部の欠陥の有無をAIに判定させる新たな非破壊検査法を開発(図2)
A study on non-destructive testing for sustainable civil engineering structures

Takahiro Saitoh
Associate Professor, Graduate School of Science and Technology, Gunma University

Non-destructive testing (NDT) is the method to examine structures and materials without damaging or destroying the object being tested, and to ensure their reliability and quality. Therefore, NDT is particularly important for sustainable the civil engineering structures. However, there are still the following problems to be resolved: 1) serious inspector shortage in near future, 2) development of fast and efficient inspection method for large size structures, and 3) development of high-resolution defect shape reconstruction method. We have been tried to develop a method to overcome these problems using the deep learning, high-performance computing, and advanced measurement techniques such as the laser ultrasonic visualization and array transducers in recent years. Our researches are based on the applied mechanics and computational mechanics and elastic wave theory.
? We develop a new nondestructive inspection method (Fig.2) that allows AI to determine the presence or absence of a defect inside materials by the deep learning for images obtained by the laser ultrasonic visualization equipment (Fig.1).