
鳥飼 幸太

近年の世界気候の急激な変化により、かつて数十年に一回と考えられていたような豪雨、台風や地震などの自然災害が短期間に集中して発生しています。災害や大規模事故による人災、テロの危険性によって電力や水源の供給断のリスクが高まる中、電子カルテやIoTによる災害拠点病院が果たすべき診療支援機能はますます重要になっています。将来の厳しい環境変動下においても病院がその果たすべき医療機能を増強するため、システム統合センターでは、来るべき持続可能な社会の構築を目指して、2011年より 病院情報システムの強靭化を目的としたシステム設計と実装(Gunma Grand Network and Infrastructure Renovation: GunGNIRプラン)を掲げ、光ファイバー化やキャンパス内自家発電機の増強、電子カルテシステムの無停電化、スマートフォンシステムの導入と診療支援サービスの導入などに積極的に取組んでいます。
Enhancement of medical treatment capacity against disaster by continuous development of uninterrupted and resilient hospital information infrastructure

Kota Torikai
Associate Professor, Gunma University Hospital
Deputy Director, Gunma University Hospital System Integration Center

Due to rapid changes in the global climate in recent years, natural disasters such as heavy rain, typhoons and earthquakes that were once thought to occur once in decades are concentrated in a short period of time. With the increasing risk of power and water supply interruptions due to the dangers of human disasters and terrorism due to disasters and large-scale accidents, the medical support functions that should be fulfilled by hospitals for disaster countermeasures using electronic medical records and IoT are becoming increasingly important. In order to strengthen the medical functions that hospitals should fulfill even under severe environmental changes, the System Integration Center has been aiming to strengthen the hospital information system since 2011 with the aim of building a sustainable hospital information system. We have been designing and implementing (Gunma Grand Network and Infrastructure Renovation: GunGNIR plan), with actively adopting optical fiber network and on-campus private power generators, uninterruptible electronic medical record system, smart phone system for powerful medical support.