
鈴木 孝明

私たちの周囲には、光、電波、振動、熱など、未利用の小さなエネルギーが満ちています。これらのエネルギーから電気を生み出し、健康な暮らしや環境保全、ものづくりに関する次世代IoT(Internet of Things)イノベーションを目指す技術が環境発電です。
Small MEMS energy harvesting technology

Takaaki Suzuki
Professor, Graduate School of Science and Technology, Gunma University

Our surroundings are filled with small and unused energy such as light, radio waves, vibration and heat. Energy harvesting is a technology that generates electricity from these energies and aims for next-generation IoT (Internet of Things) innovation related to healthy living, environmental conservation, and manufacturing. Here, we have been working on a small vibration energy harvester that efficiently generates electric power from low-frequency and wide-band vibration targeting human and its surrounding environment.