
食健康科学教育研究センター 講師
(国研)海洋研究開発機構 招聘研究員
大田 ゆかり

キーワード 酵素、非可食バイオマス高度利用、リグニン、ホワイトバイオテクノロジー、海洋性バクテリア
Eco-friendly technology for producing functional chemicals from non-edible plant biomasses.

Yukari OHTA
Lecturer, Gunma University Center for Food Science and Wellness (GUCFW), /
Visiting Researcher, Japan Agency for Marine-earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC)

Non-edible plant biomasses including woods and agricultural wastes are expected as a renewable resource to replace fossil resources. For effective utilization of lignin, a main components of plants, as a raw material for chemicals, we conduct the research for generating functional chemicals by combining the power of biotechnology and chemistry.
Keywords enzyme, valorization of non-edible biomass, lignin, white-biotechnology, marine bacteri